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The Perfect Pita Bread Recipe In 2023

Perfect Homemade Pita Bread Recipe Serious Eats
Perfect Homemade Pita Bread Recipe Serious Eats from

Making pita bread at home is surprisingly easy! Whether you’re looking to make a classic ancient recipe or an innovative modern one, it’s a great way to make a delicious, healthy, and affordable snack. Pita bread is a versatile food that can be eaten plain, filled with a variety of ingredients, or even used as a pizza crust. If you’re looking to make the perfect pita bread in 2023, read on to learn how!

What You'll Need

To make pita bread, you’ll need a few simple ingredients. These include all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar, and warm water. You will also need a bowl, spoon, rolling pin, baking tray, and oven. If you’d like to give the pita bread a more rustic flavor, you can use whole wheat flour, or even a mixture of the two. Additionally, you can add herbs or spices to give the pita bread a unique flavor.

Mixing the Dough

The first step in making pita bread is to mix the dough. Begin by measuring out two cups of all-purpose flour into a bowl, then add one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, and one package of yeast. Mix the ingredients together, then slowly add in half a cup of warm water. Stir the mixture until it’s smooth and thick, then knead it for three minutes. Once the dough is ready, cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Rolling Out the Dough

Once the dough has rested, it’s time to roll it out. Begin by lightly dusting the surface with flour, then place the dough on top. Sprinkle a bit more flour on top of the dough, then use a rolling pin to flatten it out until it’s about one-quarter of an inch thick. Cut the dough into individual circles, then carefully transfer them to a baking tray.

Baking the Pita Bread

Now it’s time to bake the pita bread! Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, then place the baking tray in the oven. Bake the pita bread for 10-12 minutes, or until the edges are lightly browned. Once the pita bread is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool before serving.

Storing the Pita Bread

If you have any leftover pita bread, you can store it in an airtight container for up to three days. Additionally, you can freeze the pita bread for up to three months. To defrost the pita bread, simply leave it in the refrigerator overnight. For an extra crisp texture, you can reheat the pita bread in the oven before serving.

Making Pita Bread with a Bread Machine

If you have a bread machine, you can use it to make the perfect pita bread! Simply add all of the ingredients to the bread machine, then set it to the dough setting. Once the dough is ready, roll it out and bake it as per the instructions above. The bread machine will make the process much easier and faster, so you can enjoy fresh pita bread in no time!

Tips for Perfect Pita Bread

Making pita bread is a relatively simple process, but there are a few tips that can help you achieve the perfect results. Make sure to use warm water, as cold water won’t activate the yeast properly. Additionally, don’t forget to let the dough rest for 30 minutes before rolling it out. Finally, make sure to preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit before baking the pita bread.


Making pita bread at home is a great way to enjoy a delicious, healthy, and affordable snack. It’s a versatile food that can be eaten plain, filled with a variety of ingredients, or even used as a pizza crust. With the right ingredients and a bit of patience, you can make the perfect pita bread in 2023. So get ready to enjoy a delicious homemade snack!

Video How to Make Pita Bread